epa07212080 A plastic sports drink bottle lies crushed and discarded on the road in Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China, 06 December 2018. Hong Kong's leading beverage producers and bottlers representing around half of all bottled water and soft drinks sold in the city joined with major Hong Kong retailers, recyclers and NGOs to announce a new campaign called 'Drink Without Waste'. It aims to cut the 1.7 billion used and discarded beverage containers, much of which end up in Hong Kong's landfills, countryside, beaches and the marine environment each year. According to Deloitte China, over one billion litres of packaged beverages were consumed in Hong Kong in 2017. The Single-Use Beverage Packaging Working Group aims to reduce single-use beverage packaging and to recover 70 to 90 percent of plastic bottles and liquid cartons in the city by 2025. The group's recommendations to producers, importers, retailers, waste management services, Hong Kong consumers and the Hong Kong government are to; reduce single-use beverage containers, regulate packaging standards, recover used packaging, and increase recycling. Plastic recycling rates in Hong Kong remain far less than in the United States, Germany, South Africa, South Korea and Taiwan. EPA/ALEX HOFFORD
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“Oltre 60mila bottigliette riciclate nelle metro di Roma in sole due settimane. Numeri destinati a crescere e che confermano il successo della nostra campagna +Ricicli+Viaggi”. Lo scrive su Fb la sindaca di Roma Virginia Raggi.
“Con questa iniziativa chiunque può disfarsi di bottiglie di plastica puntando sul riciclo grazie a speciali macchinette “mangia plastica” distribuite in tre stazioni: Piramide metro B, San Giovanni metro C e fermata Cipro metro A. Un gesto a favore dell’ambiente, una buona pratica per tutti. Ricordo ancora una volta il funzionamento: inserisci le bottiglie nella macchinetta e in cambio ottieni un credito, uno speciale ecobonus sul cellulare, attraverso le App di MyCicero e TabNet, per l’acquisto dei titoli di viaggio”, conclude.