epa08314895 Siblings follow their school lessons from home as the Fallas fiestas come to an end in Valencia, Spain, while schools remain closed down due to coronavirus outbreak, 23 March 2020. Spain is under nationwide lockdown and quarantine and limits travel from other countries to avoid the spread of Covid-19. Countries around the world are taking increased measures to stem the widespread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus causing the Covid-19 disease. EPA/Kai Försterling
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“Personalmente penso che si possa fare una riflessione per posporre la riapertura delle scuole al prossimo anno”. Lo ha affermato il presidente del Consiglio superiore di sanità (Css), Franco Locatelli, intervenuto a ‘Che tempo che fa’ su Rai2. Ma la decisione, ha precisato, “spetta al governo”.